The correct way of storage is essential to keep flour fresh and useful for a long time, Flour is the most important and common ingredient in the kitchen of every household. Flour is included in the stable food that people consume daily such as wheat bread (roti), pancakes and others depending on the different geographical regions of the country. If the storage is not proper it will affect the quality of the flour and that will ultimately degrade the taste of the dishes. It can also lead to stomach issues as most people today are glutten allergic. Most people are gluten allergic due to which they often face digestive issues and other health issues. Shiva Orgabic’s Khapli Atta Low Glutten can give them a big relaxation and add more benefits to their body. Hence, it is important to understand the do's and don'ts of storing flour to keep it fresh,
Store in an Airtight Container - It is always advisable to store flour in an airtight container to avoid any kind of moisture as it may lead to bacterial growth, oxidation, and pests. The airtight container will keep it fresh and free flow convenient for everyday use. The prior thing is to present freshness by preventing exposure to air, moisture, and contaminants. The airtight container creates a sealed environment that restricts oxidation
Keep it in a cool and dry place - Try to store flour in a cool, dry and dark place to maintain a moderate temperature and to avoid any possible quality degradation. This type of storage will help keep up the quality, longevity, and safety of flour. A cool and dry place helps prevent these issues by providing stable conditions that slow down deterioration. Hence, Shiva Organic’s Black Wheat Flour is packed in such proper sealed package to avoid any kind of external interference.
Refrigeration or Freezing for flour storage - The use of a refrigerator or freezer is an effective way to extend its shelf life and maintain freshness. Flours if not stored properly can become rancid over time when exposed to air light and uneven temperature. Where refrigerating and freezing flour can slow down this process. Also, it is important to use an airtight container when storing flour in the fridge or freezer. It will prevent moisture absorption and odour transfer from other food items in the refrigerator.
Avoid humid areas for storing flour - One of the major steps to avoid storing flour is not to store flour in a moist environment. It can lead to moisture absorption that promotes the growth of bacteria and pets. The excess moisture can reduce flour's shelf life and affect its texture and quality. Humidity leads to condensation inside storage containers, which degrades the flour's shelf life.
Avoid High Temperature for Flour Storage - Storing flour at high temperatures can lead to degradation or spoilage because humidity encourages decay, rust, and other forms of damage. Storing flour at a high temperature can cause faster spoilage. It leads to increased moisture and the growth of bacteria. Hence, it is best to store flour in a cool and dry place to protect it from humidity and temperature fluctuations.
Don't leave the flour container open - It is also important to check if the life of the flour container is tightly closed and not open even a slight. Because it can make it more prone to spoilage. And, whenever needed, scoop it out with the help of a dry spatula. Leaving a flour container open can lead to several problems. Flour can easily absorb moisture from the atmosphere which can cause quick spoilage.
Conclusively, to keep the flour fresh and untouched, always keep the above dos and don'ts in mind. It will help maintain the quality that can be used in the long run. In conclusion, proper flour storage is essential to maintaining its freshness, quality, and usability over time. By adhering to the recommended do's and don'ts you can significantly extend the shelf life of your flour and preserve its flavor. Don't ever leave the packet or container open that will lead to spoilage. Follow these guidelines to ensure that flour remains fresh and usable let you prepare nice dishes. Try Shiva Organic’s Ragi Atta | Finger Millet Flour to attain most of the benefits regularly.