Why Acacia, Chestnut, and Peach Blossom Honey Should Be in Your Diet

Why Acacia, Chestnut, and Peach Blossom Honey Should Be in Your Diet
Honey is the purest form of natural sweetener (glucose and fructose) that is not extensively refined or chemically processed, which helps in preserving natural properties. You can have it with your favourite dishes and beverages without guilt. Honey is far better than white refined sugar as it has a lower glycemic index (GI), can you use it in daily as the -best alternative? Natural honey is extracted from the flower nectar. Based on different types of flowers honey gets its flavour and colour. Honey has not only been used as a natural sweetener but is highly rich in antioxidants, enzymes, and vitamins. As it is naturally blessed, it helps combat obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Acacia Honey - Acacia honey comes from the nectar of the acacia flowers. It is rich in antioxidants such as phenolic acids and flavonoids, which help protect the body from oxidative stress and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Also, the enzymes and vitamins help in proper digestion. The colour is light and has a sweet mild taste with a forest smell. It stays in liquid form longer and crystallizes more slowly than regular honey because it has more fructose. Shiva Organic's Acacia flower honey is harvested from Acacia flowers in India during the peak blooming season, ensuring it's pure and natural. Hence Acacia honey benefits your body in several ways.
Peach Blossom Honey- Shiva Organic Peach Blossom Honey tastes fruity and pollinates from peach, plum and pear trees. Peach trees produce nectar around the same time as other fruits in the orchard, like pears, cherries, and apples. Because of this, honey made from peach tree nectar is often mixed with honey from pear flowers and is usually collected as a blend of different flowers' honey. This peach blossom honey also contains multiple nutrients value that completely benefit your health. It helps naturally boost your immunity by destroying infectious viruses. Honey tends to treat several problems or health issues like indigestion naturally.
Chestnut honey - Chestnut honey is filled with antioxidants, potassium, and magnesium, manganese that help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals and support digestive health. Chestnut honey appears dark amber with little strong taste that arises from pollen grains and a unique variety derived from the nectar of chestnut tree flowers. Chestnut honey benefits you in several ways if you add it to your daily diet. The honey contains more polyphenols to protect against gastrointestinal ailments. In the Journal of Food Biochemistry (2019), researchers wrote that the phenolic contents of chestnut honey were present in levels significant enough to ward off DNA damage in cells.
The reason you should choose to have Shiva Organic’s Acacia, Chestnut, and Peach Blossom Honey
  • Improves blood circulation: Proper blood circulation is important for the body to function in order, and enhance the uninterrupted flow throughout the body. It improves cardiovascular health.
  • Resolve constipation issue: If someone has the problem of constipation that is directly related to improper digestion and eating habits. And, aiding this honey combo can easily promote healthy bowel movements and alleviates digestive discomfort.
  • Calms and relaxes, helping to relieve stress: Stress is the enemy of health. Hence, it is important to stay away from unnecessary thoughts that create stress. Consuming honey is the best way to reduce stress.
  • Aids in better sleep (insomnia): People often complain of sleep deprivation and becoming insomniac these days. So, to reduce such seep issues consuming these honey can help improve sleep quality and hours.
  • Full of Flavour and Aroma: The flavour and aroma are the most attractive part of honey that appeals to consume any of the Acacia, Chestnut, and Peach Blossom Honey as they are so delicate and fruity. You can add it as dressing or topping on your favourite food items to get the optimum taste and health benefits.
  • Immune Support: Having a powerful immune system can fight any kind of disease that may enter your body.  And, a low immune system invites health issues as they cannot fight back viruses/ Hence, consuming honey is a good option for maintaining a high immune system.
  • Improves Digestion: Proper digestion is not only good but necessary for your body. Adding honey to your diet can positively enhance the digestive system. This tends to be a good option for you.
  • Beneficial for Skin: Your skin reflects your inner health, your mood, and everything you are going through. And, if there's anything mises in your diet that can impact your health that shows in your skin. Honey fills that gap and makes your skin supple and healthy.
  • Energy Booster: Not having a proper balanced diet means lacking in nutritional values that ultimately result in low energy. Adding honey to your diet can complete the requirement of essential nutrients which keep you going on with full energy the whole day.
  • Improves Heart Health: Chestnut honey is good for your heart health. The heart is one of the essential organs in your body that needs to be taken care of. Chestnut honey benefits your overall health.
  • Diabetes Management: The nutritional facts and properties of Chestnut Honey help in maintaining diabetes issues. Shiva Organic's Chestnut honey is pure and without additional colours and sugar benefits in maintaining blood sugar.
  • Antibacterial and Antioxidant: Contains natural antibacterial and antioxidant properties, along with vitamins C and B, calcium, iron, and amino acids.
Conclusively, consuming Acacia, Chestnut, and Peach Blossom honey offers outstanding health benefits that make them excellent additions to your diet. The light flavour, and high fructose content make it an energy booster and suitable for those with high blood sugar concerns. Shiva Organic's honey is composed of anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties, heart health, boosting immunity, vitamins, minerals enhancing skin health, and more. This is Acacia, Chestnut, and Peach Blossom honey need to be included in your diet as they provide taste and health altogether.