A Yogic Superfood - The Advantages of Including Horse Gram to Your Diet

A Yogic Superfood - The Advantages of Including Horse Gram to Your Diet

Sadguru says: "The horse gram is the most protein-rich lentil found on the planet."

Sadhguru, a persuasive spiritual leader and founder of the Isha Foundation, talks about diverse factors of health and nutrition. Often emphasizes the significance of consuming local, and traditional food. Hence, one of the highly valued protein food items Horse Gram stands out as the lentil with the highest protein content among all varieties available worldwide.


What is Horse Gram?

Horse Gram is one of the protein-rich miracle pulses or lentils with high-powered elements. And, the interesting fact behind why it's called Horse Gram, is that horses are being fed these grams to gain more power and energy. This lentil is grown under dry agricultural lands, Horse gram, a remedy for various health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, kidney stones, asthma, obesity, common cold, and more, boasts a wealth of advantages. Abundant in protein, calcium, and antioxidants while being low in fat, it offers numerous benefits. In Tamil, it is referred to as 'kulu,' while in other languages, such as Telugu, it is called 'hurilli' or 'huluhulu'."

Sadguru advises: "You must deny what your body doesn’t want, instead, just eat what your body needs."

The reason why you must eat Horse Gram:

The Nutritional Content in the Horse Gram:

Sadhguru has focused on the nutritional value of these lentils, highlighting their potential to furnish important nutrients necessary for maintaining good health. Horse gram is rich in nutrients such as iron, protein, calcium, and various vitamins.

Improves Digestive Health:

Undoubtedly, horse gram is beneficial for digestive health as mentioned by Sadguru. Due to its high fiber content, it may aid in digestion and help prevent issues like constipation. Additionally, it is believed to have a diuretic effect, promoting urinary health.

Manages Weight:

Consuming horse gram in a good way in a regular diet balances weight as well. It reduces fat sediment and thereby contributes to weight loss. Best Horse gram contains plenty of fibers and proteins. Its natural effects function as a natural fat-burning agent, potentially lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) while elevating HDL (good cholesterol). Also, its seeds, brimming with fiber, contribute to maintaining a dynamic digestive system.

Diabetes Management:

The presence of beneficial compounds, and a low glycemic index, helps in controlling blood sugar levels as Sadhguru and some research suggest. Horse gram effectively lowers elevated blood sugar levels and reduces insulin resistance within the body. This legume inhibits the production of insulin, thereby aiding in the regulation of blood sugar levels. To reap its benefits, horse gram can be consumed on an empty stomach or incorporated into salads. Hence, it eventually controls diabetes.

Anti-inflammatory Properties:

Horse gram is recognized for its anti-inflammatory attributes, potentially lowering the susceptibility to certain diseases. Moreover, it is thought to possess antioxidant properties that aid in safeguarding the body against damage caused by free radicals.

The US National Academy of Sciences recognized for its outstanding nutritional content, resilience against drought, and overall robustness, has been earmarked as a promising food source for the future.

Mouthwatering Recipe with Horse gram


  • 1/2 cup Horse gram
  • 2-3 tsp Tamarind paste
  • 1 Tbsp Peppercorn
  • 1 Tbsp Cumin seeds
  • 1/2 Tbsp Mustard seeds
  • 1 sprig of Curry leaves
  • 1 or 2 sprigs of Coriander leaves
  • Salt, to taste
  • 2 tsp Oil


  1. Soak the horse gram seeds overnight, then pressure cook until they are soft. Drain the water and set it aside for later use. (The water will have a chocolatey colour.)
  2. Dry roast the mustard seeds, cumin seeds, and peppercorn, then grind them into a fine powder.
  3. Mash half of the cooked horse gram.
  4. Heat the oil in a pan and shallow fry the curry leaves.
  5. Add the tamarind paste, strained horse gram water, roasted powder, mashed horse gram, and salt into the pan.
  6. Add enough water to reach the desired consistency for the gravy, ensuring it's not too thick.
  7. Add the remaining horse gram and mix well.
  8. Remove from the heat. Sprinkle finely chopped coriander leaves over the gravy.
  9. Serve with steamed rice and enjoy!

Sadguru's tip: "This is a very good thing, and it's good to sprout it. When you sprout it, you can digest it much more easily. You can soak it in a bowl of water wrapped in a white cloth at room temperature for about 6-8 hours, and keep it tied. In about three days it'll sprout, and you can just eat it raw. This will increase heat in the body as required."

In Final Words

It would be a great decision to add Horse Gram to your diet as it has nutritional factors in abundance. When consumed in a proportionate volume, you'll get rid of the maximum health issues you may be going through unknowingly within the body.

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